This page links to the sets of synthetic CKRs used in the evaluation of the CKRew implementation.

TS1: Scalability evaluation

Testset for the evaluation of requested time for inference closure computation with respect to the number and size of contexts of a CKR.
3 generations of this testset have been produced.

TS1.1 | TS1.2 | TS1.3

Note: Nctx folders contain sets of CKRs having N contexts; inside each of these folders, Mcls corresponds to a CKR having M base classes.

TS2: Defeasibility evaluation

Testset for the evaluation of amount of time requested for inference closure computation with respect to the percentage of global defeasible axioms and their overridings.
5 generations of this testset have been produced.

TS2.0 | TS2.1 | TS2.2 | TS2.3 | TS2.4

Note: Nctx folders contain sets of CKRs having percentage N of defeasible axioms (context number is fixed); inside each of them, Mcls corresponds to a CKR having percebtage M of overriding.

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Last Published: 2016/12/12.

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